
Information according to § 5 TMG

Ines Schwerd
Rotkreuzstraße 2b
97080 Würzburg


Phone: 0174-2484071

References and links

Insofar as reference is made directly or indirectly to Internet pages that lie outside the area of responsibility of Ines Schwerd, the respective creators or providers are exclusively responsible. Any liability of Ines Schwerd for this is excluded. The provider of these pages alone is liable for the content and in particular for damages arising from the use or non-use of information provided in this way.


The copyright for published objects (graphics, texts, photos) created by Ines Schwerd or other persons remains solely with Ines Schwerd. Reproduction or use of such objects is not permitted without the express consent of Ines Schwerd.

Image sources

Images used are from our own company and photographs by Norbert Schmelz - Schmelz Fotodesign and from Wilfried Weis.